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Hungerthon with iHeart Radio

Runs until Monday, September 9, 2024 (See all dates)

6:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Iheartmedia, Springfield, MO, 65804

Tune in to all four iHeartRadio Springfield Stations: Alice 95.5, 105.9 KGBX, 100.5 The Wolf and US97 Sep. 6th-9th to help fight childhood hunger in SW Missouri

More Information (Harrisons Original 94.9 is not responsible for external websites)

Ozarks Food Harvest and iHeartRadio Springfield are kicking off the radio-thon this September to raise funds for The Food Bank’s Weekend Backpack Program, which provides children facing hunger with a bag of nutritious meals and snacks to take home every weekend of the school year.
Our Hungerthon goal this year is to sponsor 700 children in the Weekend Backpack Program. A sponsorship will provide a child with enough kid-friendly items to make two breakfasts, two lunches, two dinners, two snacks and beverages every weekend of the school year.
Tune in to Alice 95.5, US97, 100.5 The Wolf and 105.9 KGBX to listen for donation matches that will double your impact.
Questions? Contact Sarah Green at for more info.


2740 S Glenstone Ave
Springfield, MO

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The event runs from 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM on the following dates.
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